Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Word of the week: WHY!?

Why does life have to be about money?
Why do people not care?
Why does everything have to be so damn hard?
why, why, why!!!!

I've never cared to much about "having it all". The way I see it is that as long as I enjoy what I do and can take care of myself then why not. Then I get all this slack from people saying that I should want more. Well turns out I do want more, I want to go to school and have a career. Unfortunately that "career" is going to cost me allot. My mom wants me to have everything I want, but she thinks how can I realistically do it on the money I make. She thinks I'm getting in over my head. She's most likely right. I am in over my head...But I don't care! This is what I want. I want to go to school, I want to be something. I think I can do it. I know I can. Shit, I'm a fast learner I can catch on. No discredit to my wonderful DTR guys, but if they can do it, then sure as hell I can! So I'll make it work. I'm going to be dirt ass poor for the next 12 years of my life, but I'll find a way.

Between my parents and ROTC I've learned that what ever I do is a reflection of me. The Marine Corps NCO creed states that "my men are a direct reflection of myself" I've always held on to that. In work I know that when I do a job I do my best because that's how people will see me.

God I hope I know what I'm doing!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

methinks the world has never liked the in-betweeners. nor the poor. must we get rich to be liked? yeah, not so. be ourselves, dr. l. hi from bRad. yes, still 'live and kickin' out here in cal, missing monday nights with the fam :-)

Thu May 12, 11:06:00 PM  
Blogger lora said...

We all miss "family night"!!! Now it's sunday nights to watch the housewives, instead of mondays w/no T.V.

funny how things change

Fri May 13, 12:29:00 PM  

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