Saturday, June 04, 2005


I went to orientation this morning. I met some teachers, took my ID picture and got my books (they're heavy). The only person attending the orientation that deemed me worthy to speak to was the nice lady sitting next to me in the class. Come to find out this lady is actually the mother of an 18 year old attending school. I'm not really concerned with the fact that no one felt the need to talk to me. To give you an idea of the people who were in attendance: there was the couple who brought their dog (well puppy really, but still a DOG) then the diva who refused to remove her very dark sunglasses (I truly believe she would have kept them on even if they flipped the lights off) although she was not to be out done the guy sitting behind me talking on the phone the entire time ( keep in my this a class room lecture type sitting).

So I start class Tuesday the 14th, and just can't wait.


Blogger amy said...

You are going to do so well, and I don't just mean in comparison to the sunglasses girl.

Love you and can't wait to see what happens next in your school adventure!

Sun Jun 05, 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wonderments of the day. i've often wondered what in someone's dna would slant them toward becoming a diva or a doov (is that like the male equivalent? just wondering).

is it people who've gone through rough and tumble stuff who survive who can smile at others? just wondering.

glad to see you've gotten into this training, and we'll see where it leads! no long wondering...

you rock, always have, always will. no need to wonder.

rock on, dr. lora!

Fri Jun 10, 01:28:00 PM  

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