Wednesday, January 10, 2007

To much to say

Sorry I have udated in awhile....
Michael came home and was doing well.
Just shy of one week at home, Megan rushed him back to the hospital. He was loosing controll of his left side and was having trouble standing. Megan knew the signs, and knew it was time to take him in to a Doctor. He hadn't seen a dr. since they left Florida. (the rehab they were soposed to be coming into had dropped the ball, and had no clue what to do with him,(even though that was all set up before leaving Florida))
So off to Brooke Army Medical Center (BAM C). They admitted him imediatly. It was obvious that he had pressure on his brain that was causing the relapse. There was all sorts of Dr. drama and things got alittle ugly. (dad kicked the Dr. out and all 4 of them demanded a new competant Dr.)
Then there was a spinal tap, then surgery. The surgery was on Thursday the 21st. They went into his brain and installed a shunt. Unfortunately Michaels brain moves around because half the skull is missing, and the shunt went in wrong. They reenterd his brain and placed the shunt in the right location. all this caused him to loose about a month of recovery, and basically start from the beginning again.
He is now inpatient rehab in San Antonio. He's doing really really well and will get to come home again this weekend. Megan has found a house in the centerpoint area and has been able to get all moved in and ready for Michael's arival.
She's amazing!! somehow she has managed to do it all. raise 3 kids, drive back and forth to SA everyday, find a house move in, have a decent Christmas for the girls, and do it all with grace.


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