Friday, April 25, 2003

Today I had a good day! I went to work after having 3 hrs of sleep. worked all day and then hung out with Shannon and Jay.
Today I fasted for the first time without being promted by someone else!

It was good!

I just typed a semi wordy blog that it wouldn't let me post! so now I'm testing it

Thursday, April 24, 2003

I would just like it to be known how hurt I am that a couple of my closest friends feel that they need not add be to their links lists!! which tells me they them selves would not like to read what I have to say none the less allow anyone else to.

You know who you are!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

so sorry to have not blogged in a while! (not like anyone noticed)

I love andy's new due!!

Happy that Nathan's back on the blogging horse

Happy late Easter to everyone!!

I went home for the holiday, it was actually nice (apart from the rush to the ER with my niece) no big fights and the family all got along!! So the ER 2 year old niece and an allergy indused asma attack (I can't spell, never claim to be good at it) any way she stoped breathing. but shes OK now. I saw my great friend Renee and the Love of my life Dylan...which was good He's sooo big...almost 8 years old now and as braty as ever!!

I'm at Shannons with Stace so I'm going to rejoin the conversation now!

love you all