Friday, November 21, 2003

so I figured out my work hours the other night...between both jobs I've been averaging 80 to 85 hours a week for the past 3 (or more) weeks. Now thats what I call insane. I also found out at work that I have a harasment claim agianst me..for calling someone "boy" can you believe that!! I have a formal complaint...they're investagating me! I could get fired over this. I could not believe. I'm not to worry about voice is louder and and worth allot more than his.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Megan my sister inlaw was confirmed today that she has cervical cancer. Please pray!!! She goes in for operation next week on the 26th. She's 21 has 2 little girls and her husban (my lil bro Michael) just got back yesturday from Iraq. Please pray.