Ok so I guess I'm going to do this whole blogging thing.
I just need to clear my mind of some things, so why not post on the world wide web? Things have been wierd...I don't often remember my dreams, but I have a couple of times the past 2 months. The thing is its not the kind that I would normally remember. They're scary...well not really scary, but chalenging. The kind that implies that something is going to happen but I'll get thru OK. I don't really like this kind of dream, I mean honestly who wants to know that something hard is coming at you..."but don't worry you'll be fine". The most recent one was Wednesday night or Thursday morning, ~There was a flood really it was flash flood huge wave type thing (although there was no ocean or any body of water near by) I was on my way "home" because I had heard of the flood, it was hard to get there all the roads were closed due the mud, or it was just completely washed away. I made it to the house, I was greeted by people I think it was family they where happy to see me, see that I was OK. We sat in the remanes of our house scared and not sure what to do next...as we sat there I looked out the bay window there was a body of water with waves forming as i watched I could see the waves getting bigger and bigger. I then relized it was happening again we where about to be hit by yet another huge wave. I yelled to get everyone to a safe place (the hallway) I stood there huddled in the corner with a couple of kids, we felt the wave hit we heard the windows shatter. Like a wave the foam disapeared and the water went away. We came out of our hiding spot to find the rest of the family still sitting in the living room the bay window shattered and everyone drenched. Then I woke up.
It was one of those that felt real, and I keep seeing things that remind me. Now I'm not one to believe that our dreams speak to us, but what does this mean?