Thursday, August 17, 2006


Ok so I just read the past few post...and I gotta say WOW!

It's been a hurtfull and stressfull couple of weeks(no wonder I've been downing pepto left and right)

It's over now

Soon we will be all unpacked, and it will feel like home.
Soon we will feel like a family again.
Soon I will feel loved again.
Soon I will completely happy again.
This I believe. This I know is true.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One Week

Is one week long enough to be normal again?
Is one week all I need to feel safe and secure again?
I hope so, I hope all is right, all is normal.

How long would it normally take?

I think I'm ready!

I have been sounding really gloomy lately. Thats nt really the picture I like to give to other people, so I needed to cheer things up.


Today is a good day and I will be really happy when this month is over and I get that big fat Over Time check-WAHOO!!! Over time ROCKS!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Egg Shells

Will things ever be OK? Will I ever be able to be myself again? Or will I live like this for the rest of my life?

I'm tiered of fighting and no matter what I say or what I do no one believes me. Everyone else thinks they know what I'm feeling. Every little thing I say or do gets thrown back in my face with a big fat "see I told you".

I'm not mad, upset, angry, resentfull, or any thing else any one out there thinks I am or should be. I just want to get past this, and move on.