I made it through the day and surprisingly my migrain faded to a very faint whisper.
At work I was talking to a friend and she asked if I had any family here in Austin. When I told her no she said "wow that must be hard" my response was "no, not really I have friends that really love me here, and they're just as close as family" She then looked at me puzzeled and said "friends that Love you? Are you not close with your family?" ME: "no, my family is pretty close, but I'm just as close or more with my freinds, they Love me, they're always there when I need them no matter what for or what time, they really do love me" She looked up and said "wow, thats real friendship."
Thank you~ for your Love, for your friendship, and for the life that we share. I don't know how my life would be with out you.