Saturday, August 23, 2003

I finished "Lamb" by chris Moore last week. It was a great book very funny and interesting. Oddly enough I feel like I know Josh and his deciples allot better, even though the book was complete fiction. I guess it gave me a new way of looking at His life and everything He know Jesus really did have a family and friends that had to not only listen to him say that His time was coming but be there when it happen. What would you do if your best friend or love of your life was being tortured and hung on a cross right in front of you. I guess I was always focused on the cross, but there is so much more to it.

It's funny that I would get something real out of a book that was ment to be a funny spoof on the legendary story.


Thursday, August 21, 2003

I made it through the day and surprisingly my migrain faded to a very faint whisper.

At work I was talking to a friend and she asked if I had any family here in Austin. When I told her no she said "wow that must be hard" my response was "no, not really I have friends that really love me here, and they're just as close as family" She then looked at me puzzeled and said "friends that Love you? Are you not close with your family?" ME: "no, my family is pretty close, but I'm just as close or more with my freinds, they Love me, they're always there when I need them no matter what for or what time, they really do love me" She looked up and said "wow, thats real friendship."

Thank you~ for your Love, for your friendship, and for the life that we share. I don't know how my life would be with out you.
MIGRAIN!!! not good!!! why is it that some people could go through life never expierincing such pain when others have to indure it almost daily? Why isn't there a miricle medicine that will take away all the pain and let you get on with your life? I thought that I had found it once but now not even that I am forced to try my best to ignore the pain get up get dressed and go tot work.

many type O's and spelling error's I blame it all on the MIGRAIN!!!

have a good day...

pray that the MIGRAIN goes away in a timely manner.
after bragging earlier on my HTML...I can now not figure out how to do what I want to do so I'm taking a break to sit in fron of the TV. have a great night all.

Only 7 more days untill Stacy's return and 16 till Shannon's :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

off to work now... I'll come tonight and work and my pretty blog even more!!
wow I'm so impressed with my ability to get this HTML stuff. All a girl needs is a little time, high speed connection to the internet, and a search engine. The rest just kinda comes together...

...well it does after staring at the template for a couple hours.
Thank you Ally for hosting my pics. Your the best!
a few months ago I post that my niece, Erica caught her first fish... here she is with her prized catch...

Monday, August 18, 2003


I now have AC, Thank you to all of you who were concerned with my well being. :)

*amanda I was only in town Saturday and I was with out a car all day and I had four kids attached to me the entire day. Sorry I didn't come by.*