Thursday, October 30, 2003

Guess What!!!!!

Regina Gordon is now a blogger!!!! be sure to check out what she has to say. Just click here... Regina's blog Don't forget to add her to your links list!

Related News My sister in-law also has a brand new blog so you can see her's here
Jennifer's blog

I've been a busy bee setting up blogs for all my friends.
at the ranch...slept allot it finally feels like vacation.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I just saw my blog for the first time on a PC....all I can say is I"M SORRY !!!! it looks much better on macs.

I just have to say, the background color on the post is soposed to be black!
Warning this is just me venting...Please do not take offense. Unless you want to!

I have never discredited any of my friends jobs, or thought that they don't work hard. I have always respected my friends and have tried my best to explain their work in the best light. And trust me my friends have had some odd jobs. All I ask is the same in return.

I'm tired of pleople thinking that my job is not as important or hard as other!
Just because I didn't go to school for 4 years doesn't make it any less. It just means that I have been in training for the past 6 years, and I'm still learning. I might not have to get up every morning at 6:00am, but I have to work untill 1:00am! I have to lift and unload heavy boxes, fill shelves, sweep and mop, take out trash, develop and print pictures that noone wants to see. Fix machines do daily maitence on the machines, mix chemicles (that someday will probably be proven to cause cancer) plot graphs on chemicle staus. Take care and listen to the customer, deal with manager, go to my techs and explain what the customer and managers have said, Then return to the customer or manager with a result. Track and manage sales, think of new and creative ways to make sales. And all in a "one hour" time period with a happy smile on my face, closed toed shoes, a dress, skirt or slacks and a funky blue smock.
Then I have to work an entire year just to get 5 paid days off.

And I do it all for only $9.00 an hour.

As if thats not enough to validate my life...on my days off and just about every free time I have I work another job, which I won't even begin to try to list.

I love both my jobs and at the present I wouldn't change anything (well I might work less hours at Walgreens so that I could work more with Fleur de Vie).

Now if you still don't think that my job is hard or important, I invite you to take over for me and see how long you last.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

I think my friends need to get me on that fashion make over show where they make you throw out all your old clothes and teach you how to dress...then give you like $5000 to buy a new wardrobe!!!

I think I deserve it...

the best pair of jeans that I own have holes all in them!

soooo tired I can't go on...I can't go on....

Must go on!!

how am I so tired I'm soposed to be on vacation!?
I just can't say no...Sugar Scrubs all day yesturday (7:00am till 10:00pm)
Sugar Scrubs today (7:00am till 4:00pm) Move stacy and shannon tomarrow (while Stacy is at the beach and Shannon is at another sugar scrub show) then off to make more sugar scrubs monday and tuesday...then finally my vacation will begin tuesday evening with a family visit in K-town then to the ranch on wednesday and Thuresday then back to Austin Friday by way of San Antonio to say a happy birthday to my BIG BOY Dylan who is now 8 years old. Then another sugar scrub show bright and early saturday morning and sunday then back to work on friday.

Wow somehow my vacation doesn't really seem like a vacation...I only have 2 days at the ranch! thats not really enough time to relax. I wish I wasn't so pursuaded by money! Actually its not so much the money but the fact that I know my friends are stressing about how to get everything done and I have a whole week of nothing so why not help. but then I'm not taking the "me" time I need. Everyone one else was able to take off this summer and get far away from here when I couldn't now it's my turn and I still can't. I even feel guilty for leaving for the 3 days that I am! Vacation will be over in 7 days and life will go back to normal and someday in the year 2023 I'll take a proper vacation and disapear into the void of the outside world. untill then I'll just go on.

love ya