Saturday, August 09, 2003

Do you ever go through the motions in life out of habbit, not really thinking about what your doing?

the past 2 nights in a row as I drove home at the same spot in the road I relized that I wasn't really paying attention to where I was driving...I was just driving! I was going the right way and I was paying attention to my driving but the direction was pure habbit. There's this odd out of place feeling when ever that happens.

God far to often works in very strange ways!!!

I think my time alone in Austin is teaching me more about community than one would think. I'm reminded everyday how much my community means to me how wonderfull it is to have each one of my friends in my life. Mostly how much I miss them when their not here. I now it sounds corny but I feel like a piece of me is gone(actually quite a large piece concidering that everyone is off somewhere).
Along with Shannon I'm very excited to see what's instore for us and can't wait. not to mention how overjoyed I am that Brad Sargent is coming to live life with us.

for right now I have the beautifull Mooshka and the princess Abigail to keep me company!!!

Friday, August 08, 2003

I Hate Texas summers!! My AC in my car broke last week, and I'm now remembering just how hot it can get. I was soposed to get it fixed last weekend so I drove all the way to Kerrville (2 hours) to my parents where the machanic was, only to find out that I really couldn't get it fixed 'cause we couldn't get the part. Me being the spoiled brat that I am thru a fit. I finally came to terms with the fact that I was just going to have to live with out AC.
As I drove to work today in 100+ degrees I decided to call and check in on the progress of my part...My dad has it sittting in his office!!! now how annoying is that!! all I need to have AC again is a chance to drive home long enough for them to put this part in...which should only take a couple minutes.

so here's the annoying part...I don't have a single day off for the next 2 weeks!!!

Do you ever find yourself strangely attracted to someone you would have never thought to be attractive?

I wouldn't say that theres a certain type that I'm normally attracted to, but there are normally a few common factors. and I'm not allways attracted by looks alone, allot of times its more than that. All of this is because I have found that I'm strangely attracted to this guy that I don't think I would ever have picked out in a crowd.
Amy would say that its Faramones.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

I decided to change up my look!!! so what do you think? I still have some work to do on it...any advise?

nighty night

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

I almost never bitch about work on my blog so bare with me through this one!!!

I don't understand how I could be expected to do the job of 5 people. As you all know I work at Walgreens in the photo managers are allways telling me that my first priority is the lab, but then they pile all this other crap on me to do. Now I don't mind doing other work if my work is done first. But thats not the case. When we close at night photo has to make sure all the orders are done then close down the lab, clean the lab, do maintance on the machines then go out to the floor and face the entire front 1/2 of the store including the front wall. I usally can't start any of it untill around 9:30 or 10:00 and I'm soposed to be done by 11:00.

So last night I was way backed up and supper busy so after a huge desscusion with my manager he says "I know your busy so I told the floor person to help you face your 1/2 of the store when their done with thiers." I think that in order to have my first priority the lab it should sound more like "Lora, would you help face the floor as soon as your done in the lab."

I'm only one person....

Monday, August 04, 2003

Ok I'm way to emotional!!! I've only been alone in Austin for one day and there are plenty of times that I don't see everyone (or anyone) for a day or 2. but I think because I know that everyone is gone its harder. I was just going through some of the blogs and saw pics of Shannon and Erika and it almost made me cry.

Shannon I miss you more than I could say and can't wait for you to come back and tell me all the story's from your trip.

I love all you guys that are out exploring the world...don't forget about me here at home in Austin.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Ok I SUCK!!! I emailed shannon her birthday wishes and the stupid thing didn't go thru!!!! I think it very well could have been the longest e-mail I have ever sent anyone. and a couple of days later I check my e-mail and there it was the "delivery faliure" Shannon never got her Happy birthday from me..


sorry I'm late.